Convert to Home Assistant Theme
The steps in this manual are based on the new Material Theme Builder JSON export format
The old DSP format is not supported anymore by the Material Theme Builder v2 as an export option!
The conversion is straight-forward: it converts the Material Theme export format to YAML format that the Theme definition for Home Assistant expects.
Using this method, I was able to create & convert about 7 themes per hour. Normally I needed several hours to hand-craft a theme.
The short version of the how-to¶
The conversion uses the following steps, which are explained more visually further on:
You did already get the Python conversion script
from Github?
Step # | What do do |
Step 1 |
Step 2 |
Step 3 |
The long version of the how-to¶
Step 1: Use the Python script to convert the json file¶
You did already get the Python conversion script
from Github?
Python material-theme.json output.txt
The material-theme.json
file should look like the following excerpt:
"description": "TYPE: CUSTOM\nMaterial Theme Builder export 2025-01-03 04:51:47",
"seed": "#93DDFF",
"coreColors": {
"primary": "#93DDFF",
"secondary": "#84939B",
"tertiary": "#908EAA",
"error": "#FF5449",
"neutral": "#909192",
"neutralVariant": "#8C9195"
"extendedColors": [],
"schemes": {
"light": {
"neutral-variant": {
"0": "#000000",
"5": "#111111",
"10": "#1B1B1C",
"15": "#262626",
"20": "#303031",
"25": "#3C3B3B",
"30": "#474747",
"35": "#535252",
"40": "#5F5E5E",
"50": "#787777",
"60": "#929090",
"70": "#ADABAB",
"80": "#C8C6C6",
"90": "#E5E2E2",
"95": "#F3F0F0",
"98": "#FCF9F8",
"99": "#FFFBFB",
"100": "#FFFFFF"
Step 2: Copy the output.txt into the new theme¶
Open both your theme and the output.txt
file and copy and paste the contents of the output.txt
file into a Material 3 theme template file between the START and END markers.
Make sure that you've got your indentation right with 2 spaces!
# Theme : m3-07-darkolivegreen.yaml
# Project : Home Assistant
# Repository:
# Author : Mars @
# License : CC BY-SA,
# -----
# Description:
# Dark / Light theme based on Material 3 for Home Assistant.
# According to:
# - Dark Olive Green
# Colors generated via Material Design 3 (Material You) JSON export
# of figma Material Theme Builder and converted by script.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==================== START of M3 copy/paste configuration ================
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
theme-ref-elevation-surface-neutral1-light: rgb(249,247,239)
theme-ref-elevation-surface-neutral2-light: rgb(246,244,236)
theme-ref-elevation-surface-neutral3-light: rgb(241,239,232)
theme-ref-elevation-surface-neutral4-light: rgb(237,235,227)
theme-ref-elevation-surface-neutral5-light: rgb(230,228,221)
theme-ref-elevation-surface-neutral6-light: rgb(224,222,215)
theme-ref-elevation-surface-neutral7-light: rgb(216,214,207)
theme-ref-elevation-surface-neutral8-light: rgb(208,206,199)
theme-ref-elevation-surface-neutral9-light: rgb(198,197,190)
theme-ref-elevation-surface-neutral10-light: rgb(190,189,182)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==================== END of M3 copy/paste configuration ==================
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Step 3: Reload themes and enjoy!¶
Now reload the Home Assistant themes with the Developer Tools' > 'Services' > 'frontend.reload_themes' service.
Then select your just created theme and start using it.
You can validate the theme using the sake99
view from the Swiss Army Knife Custom card, as it displays the active Material 3 theme.